Working Together
Connecting to the Wise one Within, the Wisdom of the Earth, and the Healing Power of Nature is as important now as it has ever been.
In this digital age, we feel more disconnected, isolated, out-of-balance, and alone than ever before. As we become more disconnected from ourselves, one another, and the earth, our levels of stress increase, and our collective choices create stress for our planet.
The good news is your transformation and healing are not separate from the transformation and healing of our world. As you grow, your ability to participate in the create cycles of nature expands. And the more you experience your common union with nature and share your gifts, the more you will access your power to create positive change in our world.
Nature doesn't grow by itself, and neither should you!
With the practices of Wisdom Ecology, you’ll be inspired and empowered to transform your life AND our world.
We look forward to supporting you as you dream, become, and create within the web of life.
Personalized One-to-One Programs
Reclaim Your Wholeness
Connect to the Wise One Within
Are you ready to take an active role in your personal journey, invite in and allow support from the seen and unseen world, and access your innate creativity and brilliance? If so, this program is for you. You will open, expand, and deepen into your wholeness and feel the joy of contributing to our world in empowering and life-affirming ways.
Re-dream Your Life
Where the Wise One Within Meets the Wisdom of the World
What has heart and meaning for you? What has changed in your life, and how has that changed you? Who are you now? What are you here to do? Re-dream your life through an engaged process of deep listening, inquiry, and creativity with nature-based practices and earth wisdom.
Realize Your Vision
Manifest in Partnership with the Living Whole
Imagine what it would feel like to be fully supported on your path by both the seen and unseen worlds? What would you be inspired to and empowered to create? Realize your Life Dream in partnership with the Living Whole and Celebrate your Brilliance!
Not sure which program to choose?
Schedule a 20-minute complimentary consult call to discuss which option is right for you.